Friday, November 7, 2008

So much like his daddy completely happy and content behind the wheel of a truck
For halloween Klayton was darth vator this is the best picture i got because he hated his hat the whole night he kept taking it off but we had a great halloween and Klayton had tones of fun
Klayton had his one year old dr. apt. his stats are weight he is 20lbs 2 oz so we can officaly move his facing foward in the car seat and he dosen't have to be in the middle any more we have been waighting for that so we are excited. his height is 32in and that is in the 95% and his head is 18 in and that in the 25% . So just before the dr apt we found out that Klayton is allegric to eggs so I told the dr and he wanted to check one of the shots that he was planning on giveing Klayton to make sure it was ok but the nures came in and gave it to klaton anyways before the dr could check. So it turns out that Klayton could have a reaction so on are way out the dr. said that we had to stick around for 2hrs to make sure that Klayton didn't have reaction thankfuly he didn't but a 30min dr apt turned into 3hrs so that was a fun day but Klayton was a tropper and made it bareable
So this past thursday we had a altrasound apointment and we found out that we are having another boy we are excited that Klayton will have a brother that he can play with in the furture and we are glad that so far everything is good and the baby is active and health .

1 comment:

Susan said...

That stinks that Klayton is allergic to eggs. I hope he grows out of it. What a big growing boy. He is going to be such a wonderful big brother.