Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas was such a busy but fun day it is so much fun being santa and getting everthing ready and seeing Klayton wake up and not realy knowing what is going on but knowing that he likes it. But we had our christmas then we went to greandma chambers then to nanas curtis and then to my aunt janets so it was a long fun day. Klayton got a sandbox form his grandma Chambers
At nanas house she had a dionasor that Klayton and his Cusion Jaxon had a fun time rideing

We went to nanas Curtis house were Klayton got a trycical

He is just chilling in his car chair

In Klayton stocking he had a cholcolate santa and he found it new it was cholclate and figured out by him self how to open and eat it

I finaly decided Klayton was old enough for a bubble bath he had the time of his life for the next boy I won't waight so long it was way to cute