Monday, April 6, 2009

On April 4th 2009 I had my little boy His name is Trey Jacob Curtis He was 8lb 1oz 20 1/2 in long so he is big baby for me

This is by far one of the crazyest days of my life you think that you have a basic idea of what is going to happen after having one baby but just like you hear all the time every baby is different. Contractions started at night and I waited until 5am to wake Tj up to get packed and ready to go to the hospital I was not in a hug hurry at all. So by the time we got ready and droped Klayton off at nanas and got to the hosptial it was 6:45 . We signed in and went to treauge and they started to check me but it was in the middle of shift change so they only hooked up the contration machine not checked to see how for along I was. So when they did a half hr. latter I was at a 10 ready to push. So they got stuff started and the anistishalgist said I didn't have time for a epaderal so I was bumbed. Then they took me to delivery but their was no rooms ready but my water just broked and I was haveing the baby no matter what . So they wheeled me in a room the they were still cleaning and their was no time to put me on the delivery table so they grabed a dr form across the hall she put her gloves on just had time to catch the baby . So I didn't have my dr I didn't have a epaderal they didn't even have time to put a Iv in me so it was very fast. The good part is I realy only had to push 2 to 5 times before the baby came out. So very fast very unexspected and very memerable. So we arrived at 6:45 and we had Trey at 7:42 but is going to be one of my fun stoies I tell for the rest of my life
Here are my two little angles you can't realy tell but they look so much alike when they were the same age


Carter Family said...

Congrats on the little one. He is adorable. Phil has a little boy in his primary class named Trey.

Sara S said...

WOW!!!!! Congratulations Liz. That must have been a tough day for you. Glad to hear that things went well. You'll have to tell me how bad it hurt without an epidural. Congrats again!!!!!!

Megan said...

Congratulations!! What a fun story, he's adorable, glad you made it to the hospital in time.

Curtis Family said...

You are amazing, and even though I admit to being biased, Trey is absolutely perfect! You guys are so blessed, and so am I. I am the very luckiest Nana ever!

Michael and Monika said...

hey you long time no chat we haev a family blog also it is on my facebook page check it out and add me ok miss ya tone congrat on the baby

Shillene Hancock said...

WAY TO GO LIZ!!! What an Amazing STORY!! LOVED reading iT!! Thanks SO MUCH!